Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 15, 2013

how is life?? well mission is sick. strait up amazing!

weeks are just flyin by! i already hit my 4 month mark this friday! crazy! i always heard the whole weeks feel like days thing but never beleived it till now. i feel like each week goes by faster and faster. spring WAS on its way here...then it decided to snow this week and be freezing again haha its a crack up. mom dont you know gloves are for sissys! i like my hands to be purple! colors are starting to come...i think spring will be here soon!
this week was yet again amazing. lots of great things happened on wednesday we had a lesson with the lopez familia.. hno. garcia from the arama came with us to teach. members are the secret weapon! they help so much! our lesson was on the book of mormon. the lopez family and the reyes family were both there! (reyes live above them) the lesson went so good the spirit was there and was powerful! we broke down the introduction with them paragraph by paragraph. hno. garcia was amazing! he brought so much to the table as we taught. as hno garcia was bearing testimony a scripture popped into my head and when it did i was so stoked to share it haha. its pretty cool when that happens. so i bore my testimony and taught for a good while ! elder squires face was priceless as i kept just goin and spanish...its commin! and im lovin it! teaching is so fun when ya know whats goin on haha. the lesson went so good. it was probably one of our best lessons as a of those lessons you just walk out smiling because you know it was good and you know they felt the spirit.spanished happened on wednesday. that was a powerful lesson all three of us were united as we taught which i know helped a lot!
thursday we went to the meza family! david there son is way into editng and loves my edits haha he tells me all about how nra3 just blows his mind.. so you can see why i love talkin to him. this family is amazing as well! we taught them about the importance of church. hna. meza is actually a member... she was baptized when she was 11 and she really wanted to serve a mission. she knows it is true. but works sooooo much. she loves the church though . the whole family does. they love it when we come over to teach. next weekend they are all goin to ohio for hna. mezas cousins son baptism!!! there all members! its gonna be an awesome experience for them i know it! but anyways our lesson went great and right as we were ending it...ANOTHER family walks in sits down and hna. meza starts tellin them how amazing our church is and just bears her testimony to them! bam!!! so then we teach them the restoration!! right there! they loved it and felt really good about it! so we have an appt with them this week!! pretty excited!
then we had exchanges and i was here in milwaukee all by myself with the zone leader that knows NO spanish! it was an awesome day!! went to angels! and just shared a short message of how we get peace and joy! he wants to get baptized...i told him thats exactly why we are here! to help him make those steps! hes awesome! he might be moving to puerto rico though! hes still unsure i hope he doesnt...
this weekend was amazing...haha everything is amazing. this weekend bernadina, tanith, and jackeline were baptized. to see them all dressed in white and watch them enter the font was amazing.. this family has been such a blessing. i have learned so much from them. this family is an example of what all rm's talk about...they were prepared.  sunday we were able to go to racine for there confirmation! i will always be greatful for the opportunity heavenly father gave me to teach the tecualts. bernadina bore her testimony yesterday in sacrament... she called us her angels! this work is amazing!
this week i ran into an amazing scripture D&C 88:78-80 

78 Teach ye diligently and my agrace shall attend you, that you may be binstructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;
79 Of things both in aheaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must bshortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the cnations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a dknowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—
80 That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to amagnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the bmission with which I have commissioned you.
now more than ever people are being prepared. BUT we have alll also been prepared. everything that has happened in my life has shaped me into the servant that i am for the lord. it has perfected me to be here. to be able to teach those that heavenly father has prepared for me.
i love you all!!!! wanted to write so much more haha but time is up till next week!!!
to all my pals out servin and are leaving next week and the weeks to come!! da les cielo!
con amor,
Elder Harper-Smith

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