Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"I know that He lives!!!!"

Hola familia!!!

  this week was amazing! it started with an amazing lesson with the Tecualt family! they are so prepared its just blowin my mind! haha. i cant wait for them to enter the waters of baptism. The lesson...was amazing . the spirit was there and it was strong. it was on the plan of salvation. bernadine had received an answer the night before from our heavenly father that the everything we have been teaching is true...she shared her experience with us and it was amazing.when she got down and  prayed the night before she was overwhelmed by a feeling of warmth and comfort...she told us that it was like a burning feeling.  that night she had a dream... in her dream her mom came to her (she passed away awhile back) came up to her and told her that she was in a happier place! she also told us about another dream..before we came and taught her and her family she had a dream awhile back with our savior in it...she couldnt see his face but saw his hands and feet. in her dream he told her to prepare herself and her kids for something...  the amazing thing about teaching this family is bernadine is so prepared she bares testimony to us. she knew from the day we had started teaching her that we were what would help her prepare them. she knew that the gospel was that thing. words cant describe the true happiness a mission brings! we did run into a little obstacle when we taught the word of wisdom last night....... they wanna move there baptism the 13th instead of the 20th!!!
  we have been really focusing on finding this week...and we have been blessed! we spent a day contacting formers and potentials this week ! not alot of doors were opened. we went to a house hoping that we would be able to get in and teach...the former ended up not living there bit a really nice old lady answered the door and her face lit up when she saw us! elena lives with all of her children (except one daughter) and all there families. we set up an appointment for i think wednesday! tuesday was district meeting and we get a call...ends up being elenas daughter that lives in utah! shes a member and was so excited to here that we found her mom!! our first lesson went really good with her!
  weve been finding alot this week! !! its amazing! when we walk streets and see a bright colored house..a dish 500 ..and other things we always knock there! we found the meza familia! there amazing! we walk in sit on the couch and hermana meza is asking us if we are hungry or thirsty...before we could answer she was already in the kitchen!... hermana meza's familia en mexico son miembros! we were so stoked when we heard that! our lesson went really good. we taught just about the book of mormon. the whole family was just there sittin around us and listening! it was an awesome experience! there gonna be fun to teach! they were so excited to teach us!
  we were able to contact the lopez family!!! the family me and elder kanahele found! they thought we forgot about them! sad to hear that...we had to explain that its just been a crazy couple weeks with stuff happening! they were all so excited to see us... we have an appointment on wednesday with them!!

  mission is a beautiful thing!! what an amazing time of the year to really reflect on the power of the atonement and all that our savior jesus chist did for all of us. im greatful for my savior... i know that he lives!!!!
love you all!!
-Elder Harper-Smith

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